Geo Probe


Peter Lambropoulos, J.D. President
Peter is a member of the State Bar of Michigan and oversees all activities including, but not limited to, the development of long-range goals and strategies, financial management, creation of new policies and procedures and evaluation of personnel.  Peter has over twenty (20) years experience in the environmental consulting arena.  Peter has provided expert witness testimony and litigation support services for a wide range of issues dealing with soil and groundwater contamination.

Peter has experience in a variety of environmental projects including: Phase I, II and III environmental assessments, baseline environmental assessments, negotiations with regulatory officials to develop investigative Work Plans/Corrective Action Plans for abandoned hazardous waste sites, leaking underground storage tank sites, waste minimization projects, and contaminant reclamation systems including: vapor extraction, free product recovery, groundwater purge with carbon adsorption as well as air stripping technology.

Pete’s previous experience included the development and supervision of a full service environmental testing laboratory which included: purchasing, installation, and operation of equipment; development of a Quality Assurance/Quality Control Program; and development of standard operating procedures.
Josh Taylor, Project Manager
Josh has over ten (10) years experience as project manager and field technician on many Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments from vacant properties to multi use industrial facilities, groundwater remediation projects utilizing multi-phase recovery and mobile air sparging, underground storage tank remediation sites including monitor well installation, monitor well sampling utilizing low-flow sampling technology, pVIC investigations including soil gas well installation and sampling, free product recovery, ORC injections, and determining groundwater flow direction.  Josh leads in the review of Phase I ESAs, Phase II ESAs and BEAs.

Josh also has experience in the development of Initial Assessment Reports (IAR), Final Assessment Reports (FAR), Free Product Reports, and Quarterly Monitoring Reports for Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) sites.  Josh also writes Phase I and II ESAs and develops work plans and writes proposals for newly developing markets and is Certified Asbestos Inspector in the State of Michigan.

Jacob Kangas, Project Manager/Field Technician
Jacob has over eight (8) years experience as project manager and field technician on many Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments from vacant properties to multi use industrial facilities, groundwater remediation projects utilizing multi-phase recovery and air sparging with a vacuum truck, underground storage tank remediation sites including monitor well installation, monitor well sampling utilizing low-flow sampling technology, pVIC investigations including soil gas well installation and sampling, free product recovery, ORC injections, and groundwater flow direction.

Jacob is involved in the review of Phase I ESAs, Phase II ESAs and BEAs.  Jacob is also involved in report writing for Initial Assessment Reports (IAR), Final Assessment Reports (FAR), Free Product Reports, and Quarterly Monitoring Reports for Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) sites.