Providing Multi-Phase Recovery (MPR), Free Phase Hydrocarbon Recovery, Source Removal,
Vapor Extraction, and Air Sparging for Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sites
Remedial Benefits
MPR events can involve the simultaneous recovery of free phase
hydrocarbons, dissolved phase hydrocarbons, and soil vapors. This can
be accomplished with virtually no capitalization costs for system
installation or operation and maintenance (O&M).
Full Plume Influence
The full plume, both horizontally and vertically, can be influenced by
utilizing multiple extraction points.
EMES Vac Services can install extraction points, monitoring wells and
air sparge points.
Performance Monitorings
A detailed MPR report can be provided for each event. The following data is included: equivalent pounds of hydrocarbons removed, length of event, amount of free phase hydrocarbons removed, amount of total liquids removed, off gas concentrations over time, off gas velocity and flow rate, zone of influence levels measured by vacuum and static groundwater levels, free phase hydrocarbon and static groundwater levels prior to and after the conclusion of the event.
Disposal Services
EMES Vac Services can handle disposal of waste or other arrangements can be made.
Fee Structure
Vac Truck Mileage……………….…...$1.95/mile
Vac Truck & Operator (on-site)……...$125.00/hr
Groundwater Disposal Fee…………..$0.25/gal
Free Product Disposal Fee……….....$0.90/gal
TLV Sniffer Rental………………...….$150.00/day
Static Water Level Meter Rental….…$50.00/day
Interface Probe Rental…………….…$30.00/day
-Free estimates available and discounted rates on multi-event sites.